Rainhill Kase Ha Shotokan Karate Academy
Meikyo - "Polished Mirror"
Meikyo introduces new techniques including:
- a sankaku tobi (triangle jump) similar in appearance to the circular jumps seen in previous katas such as Empi but this jump is in fact much different and will test the skill level.
There are two kiai points in Meikyo:
- On the mikatsuki geri (crescent kick).
- On the jodan soto uke (upper fore arm strike) which is performed during the sankaku tobi (triangle jump).
Demonstration of Kata
Demonstration of Kata Variations
Apart from the common "Omote" (front facing), way of performing kata (as shown above), kata can also be performed, "Ura" (opposite), "Go" (defensive) and "Go no Ura" (defensive opposite). Students will be required to be perform kata variations in advanced gradings. Sensei Kase introduced these variations explaining that performing kata ura, go, or go no ura is closer to actual application in real fighting circumstances.
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