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Rainhill Kase Ha Shotokan Karate Academy


Select the first letter of the word from the list below to jump to the appropriate section of the index -


- A -

abara - ribs or rib cage

age uke - upward block

age tsuki - rising punch

age -  rising, upward

ago - chin or jaw

ai -  union, meeting; harmony

aiki -  harmony, union of energies

aikido -  way of harmony; Japanese martial art of joint locking and throwing

aiuchi -  simultaneously striking (each other)

aka -  red

akiresu ken - achilles tendon

arigato gozaimashita - politely saying thank you

ashi - leg/foot

ashi barai - foot sweep

ashi kubi - ankle

ashi or ashibo - leg or shin

ashi waza - name given to all leg and foot techniques

ashi yubi - toes

ashi zoko - bottom (bottom side) of foot

ashi-barai -  foot sweep

ashigatana, sokko, kori - top of the foot

ashikubi - ankle

ashinokou - instep (of foot)

ashinoura - sole of the foot

atama - head

ate -  hit, strike, smash

atemi waza - striking techniques that are normally used in conjunction with grappling and throwing techniques

atemi -  hit to body

awase uke - joined hand block

awase tsuki - u punch - also referred to as morote tsuki

awase -  combined, joined together

ayumi dachi - a stance found in itosu kai shito ryu - a natural "walking" stance with the weight over the centre

ayumi - walking, stepping

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- B -

barai (harai) -  sweep

basami (hasami) -  scissors

bikotsu / biteikotsu - cocyxx

biryou - bridge of nose

bitei - coccyx/vital point at the bottom of the spine (acupressure)

bo - long stick used as a weapon (approximately 6 feet long)

bo -  staff, long stick used as weapon

Budo - martial way

bunkai - a study of the techniques and applications in kata

buse -  lay down

bushi -  warrior

bushido -  way of the warrior; warrior code

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- C -

chakugan -  focus attention; viewpoint; looking at your opponent

chika-ma -  short distance

chimu - liver (okinawan)

chipuru - head (okinawan)

choku tsuki - straight punch

choku -  direct, straight

chudan - mid-section

chudan tsuki - a punch to the mid-section of the opponent's body

chudan -  middle level

chui -  warning; usually the second warning in a competition match

chukitsu - vital point in the fold of the elbow (acupressure)

chushin - heart (centre)

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- D -

dachi (tachi) -  stance; standing

dai (tai) -  big

dan - level, rank or degree - black belt rank

daoshi (taoshi) -  topple, make fall

deshi -  student

do - way/path

do -  path, way; torso

dogi (gi) -  training uniform

dojo - the place where karate is practiced

dokko - pressure point in the hollow behind the jawbone and below the ears

domo arigato gozaimashita - thank you very much

domo arigato - thank you

dori (tori) - hold, grab; attacker, the one applying the technique to the uke

dosoku - across torso

dozo - please

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- E -

ekku - a wooden oar improvised as a weapon

embusen - invisible performance line/floor pattern of movement, on which the kata is performed

empi - elbow

empi - kata

ensho -  heel

eri - lapel/collar

erikubi - nape or back of the neck

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- F -

fudo -  unmoving, rooted

fuku - heart (okinawan)

fukubu - abdomen

fukushin -  corner judge, assistant judge

fukuto - outside, lower thigh

fumikomi -  thrusting step, stomp kick

furi -  swinging

fuse (buse) -  lay down

fushi, kansetsu - knuckle, joint

futokoro - chest

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- G -

gaeshi (kaeshi) -  reversing, returning

gai wan - outer arm

gaijin -  outsider, foreigner, non-Japanese

gaiwan -  outer forearm

gan or gansei or me - eye

ganka - vital point located between the fifth and sixth rib (acupressure)

gankaku dachi - crane stance - sometimes referred to as tsuru ashi dachi and sagi ashi dachi

ganmen, to, tsu, atama - head

garami (karami) -  entangle, entwine

gari (kari) -  cut, reap

gassho -  joined palm

gasshuku - special training camp (in the world of budo it refers to people of the same dojo staying somewhere together for a time in order to practice harder or more than usual)

gatame (katame) -  lock, hold, tighten

gawa - side

gedan - lower section

gedan barai - downward block

gedan ude uke - low forearm block

gedan tsuki - a punch to the lower section of the opponent's body

gedan -  lower level

geiko (keiko) -  training, practice

geri -  kick

gi (dogi) -  training uniform

go -  five; after, kata preformed backwards
apart from the common "omote" (front facing), way of performing kata, kata can also be performed (and may be required to be performed in advanced gradings), "ura" (opposite), "go" (defensive) and "go no ura" (defensive opposite). Just try to do any kata in the opposite direction and you’ll realise how confusing and difficult it is, mainly because you are trying to coordinate the movements in a different order. Sensei Kase introduced these variations explaining that performing kata, ura, go, or go no ura is closer to actual application in real fighting circumstances

go no sen - seize the initiative, the tactic where one allows the opponent to attack first so to open up targets for counterattack

go no ura - kata performed backwards to the left and right
apart from the common "omote" (front facing), way of performing kata, kata can also be performed (and may be required to be performed in advanced gradings), "ura" (opposite), "go" (defensive) and "go no ura" (defensive opposite). Just try to do any kata in the opposite direction and you’ll realise how confusing and difficult it is, mainly because you are trying to coordinate the movements in a different order. Sensei Kase introduced these variations explaining that performing kata, ura, go, or go no ura is closer to actual application in real fighting circumstances

gohon kumite - five step basic sparring

guai - shoko vital point on the back side of the fist

guruma (kuruma) -  wheel

gyaku mawashi geri - reverse round-house kick - also referred to as uramawashi geri

gyaku tsuki - reverse punch

gyaku -  reverse, opposite

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- H -

ha - tooth

hachiji dachi - a natural stance, feet positioned about one shoulder width apart, with feet pointed slightly outward

hachiji -  shape of character for hachi

hada or hifu - skin

hadaka -  naked

hae - lungs

haguki - gums

hai - yes

hai wan - back of the arm

haibu - back (back rib area)

haishu - back of the hand/top of hand

haishu uchi - a strike with the back of the hand

haishu uke - a block using the back of the hand

haisoku -  instep of foot

haito - ridge hand, inner blade of hand

haito uchi - ridge-hand strike

haito -  sword-ridge; ridge-hand

haiwan -  back-arm, back of forearm

hajime - begin - a command given to start a given drill, kata, or kumite

hakama -  traditional pleated pants worn by budo students

han -  half

hana - nose

hangetsu - a lack belt level kata

hangetsu dachi - half-moon stance

hangetsu -  half-moon

hanmi -  half-body, body turning

hansoku -  rule violation; disqualification from a competition event

hantai -  opposite side; opposition

hantei -  decision

hara - stomach/abdomen

hara -  stomach, belly

harai (barai) -  sweep

harai te - sweeping technique with the arm

harai waza - sweeping techniques

harakiri -  belly cut; form of ritual suicide

hasami (basami) -  scissors

hasami tsuki - scissor punch

hayai -  quick, fast; early

heian -  peace and stability; peaceful mind

heiki - arms

heiko dachi - a natural stance - feet positioned about one shoulder width apart, with feet pointed straight forward. some kata begin from this position

heiko tsuki - parallel punch (a double, simultaneous punch)

heiko -  parallel

heisoku - top of the foot

heisoku dachi - an informal attention stance. feet are together and pointed straight forward

heisoku -  closed feet, feet together

henka waza - techniques used after oyo waza is applied. henka waza is varied and many, dependent on the given condition

henka -  change sides; variation of a form or technique

hichu - adam's apple/vital point located below the throat on the suprasternal notch

hidari -  left

hiji - elbow, also known as empi

hiji ate - elbow strike - also referred to as empi uchi

hiji uke - a blocking action using the elbow

hiji, empi - elbow

hiki -  pull, retreat

hikiashi -  pulling foot, pulling leg

hiki-te - the retracting (pulling and twisting) arm during a technique.

hikite -  pulling hand

hikiwake -  tie, equal, draw

hineri -  twisting

hiragana -  written symbols used as part of the Japanese writing system

hiraken -  flat fist, fore-knuckle fist

hiraki -  lateral dodging

hitai -  forehead

hitosashi ippon ken - forefinger knuckle

hiza - knee

hiza gashira - knee cap

hiza geri - knee kick

hiza kansetsu - knee joint

hiza uke - a blocking action using the knee

hizo - small of the back

hizo - spleen

ho - cheek

hodoki -  freeing

hokotenkan -  changes in direction

hombu dojo - a term used to refer to the central dojo of an organization

honbu -  headquarters

hone - bone

horan no kamae - a ready position used in some kata where the fist in covered by the other hand.

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- I -

iaido -  way of harmony in action; Japanese martial art of drawing and cutting with the sword

ibuki -  breath; forced abdominal breathing usually accompanied by throat contraction and guttural sound

ibukuro - stomach

ichi -  one

ikken-hissatsu -  one fist certain kill, to kill with one blow

inazuma - liver

ippon ken - one knuckle fist

ippon kumite - one step sparring

ippon nukite - a stabbing action using the extended index finger

ippon -  one point, one side, one step, etc

ippon-ken -  one-knuckle fist

irimi -  body entering

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- J -

jaowan / jouhaku - upper arm

jiku-ashi - pivot leg; supporting leg

jime (shime) - strangulation, choking

jin - muscles/tendons

jinchu (jodan) - vital point above the top lip and under the nose at the suture of the bone

jinchu - philtrum area just above upper lip, part of the maxilla

jinzo - kidney

jiyu (jyu) -  freestyle, free

jiyu ippon kumite - one step free sparring

jiyu kumite - free sparring

jiyu-ippon-kumite - 1 step free sparring, semi-free sparring

jiyu-kumite - free sparring

jo - short wooden staff

jodan -  upper level

jogai out of bounds - used in tournaments

jogai - out of bounds

ju - soft, gentle; ten

juji uke - x block

juji -  cross, shape of character for ju (10)

jujutsu -  gentle art; Japanese martial art of striking, grappling, and joint manipulation

jun -  follow, chase

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- K -

kachi -  victory, win

kaeshi (gaeshi) -  reversing, returning

kafuku - stomach or abdomen

kagi tsuki - hook punch

kagi -  hook

kaiaku - a vital point located on the hand

kaikomi -  lifting the knee high and tucked in close to body (preparing for kick)

kaisho open hand - blow which is delivered with the open palm

kaisho -  open hand(s)

kaiten -  rotation

kakato -  heel

kake-te - hook block or hooking technique

kake-waza - hooking technique

kakiwake - a two handed block using the outer surface of the wrist to neutralize a two-handed attack, such as a grab

kakushi waza - hidden techniques

kakuto - top of wrist

kakuto uchi - wrist joint strike - also known as ko uchi

kakuto uke - wrist joint block - also known as ko uke

kakuto -  crane-head; back of wrist

kamae -  posture, position, guard

kamae-te - a command given by the instructor for students to get into position

kamaete -  go into position

kami or ke - hair

kangeiko - the Japanese term for mid-winter training (several days' training), that traditionally takes part in the coldest season at the coldest time of the day the purpose of which is about forging the spirit against the pressures of the elements (in the Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate Do Academy, the kangeiko takes place in March of each year and consists of three days of intense training (participation is by invitation only.

kansetsu - articulation joint

kansetsu waza - joint-lock techniques

kansetsu -  joint; joint locking

kanzo - liver

kao -  face

kappo - techniques of resuscitating people who have succumbed to a shock to the nervous system

kara -  empty

karada - body or physique

karami (garami) -  entangle, entwine

karate - empty hand

karate-do - the way of karate

karateka - a practitioner of karate

karateka -  student of karate

kari (gari) -  cut, reap

kasumi - temple (side of the head)

kata - form or prescribed pattern of movement

kata - shoulder

kata -  form, shape, pattern; one side; shoulder

katakana -  written symbols used as part of the Japanese writing system

katakoukotso - shoulder blade

katame (gatame) -  lock, hold, tighten

katate - one hand

keage -  snap kick; rising kick

keibu, kubi - neck

keichu - back of neck

keiko (geiko) -  training

keikoku -  caution; usually the first warning in a competition match

keito -  chicken head

kekomi -  thrust kick

kempo - a generic term to describe fighting systems that uses the fist

ken -  fist

kensei - technique with silent kiai - related to meditation

kensei -  diversion, feint

kentsui -  hammer-fist

keri (geri) -  kick

ketto - blood

ki - mind, spirit, energy, vital-force, intention

kiai -  shout, yell

kiba dachi - straddle stance - also known as naifanchi(n) or naihanchi dachi

kihon - fundamental, basic techniques

kihon-gohon-kumite -  basic 5-step sparring

kihon-ippon-kumite -  basic 1-step sparring

kihon-sanbon-kumite -  basic 3-step sparring

kiken -  withdraw, retreat; forfeit (a match)

kime - focus of power

kinniku - muscles

kintama - groin/testicles

kinteki -  testicles, groin region

ki-o-tsuke -  ready at attention (in musubi-dachi)

kirigaeshi -  returning cut

kirikae -  switch, change

kirikae-ashi -  switch the feet

kiritsu -  stand up

kizami tsuki - jab punch

kizami -  jab; to nick, notch, or carve out; cutting; attacking with the lead hand or leg

ko - nose

ko bo ittchi - the concept of attack-defense connection

ko uchi - wrist joint strike - also known as kakuto uchi

ko uke - crane block or arch block - same as kakuto uke

ko - small

kobore - tibia

kohai -  junior student

koho -  rear, behind, back direction

koken - wrist joint

koko -  tiger-mouth

kokoro -  spirit, heart

kokubi / sokubi - head

kokutsu dachi - a stance which has most of the weight to the back (back stance)

kokutsu -  back bend

kokyu -  breathing

komi -  thrust, drive forward

koreisai - a vital point located on the top of the foot

kosa dachi - crossed-leg stance

kosa - cross

koshi (goshi) - hip; ball of the foot

koshiki - traditional, old style

koshin - rearward

kote - wrist

kubi - neck

kuchi - mouth

kudaki -  crush; break into pieces

kumade -  bear-hand

kumi -  meeting; grip

kumite - sparring

kuro - black

kuruma (guruma) -  wheel

kutsu (kussu) -  bend

kuzushi - unbalancing an opponent

kyobu - chest

kyoku - extreme; ultimate

kyokutsu - the sternum, the breast bone

kyoukan - chest or breast

kyu – grade - any rank below shodan

kyusho - vital point

kyusho waza - pressure point techniques

kyusho -  pressure point

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- L -

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- M -

ma -  distance

ma-ai - proper distancing or timing

maai -  proper meeting distance between two partners

mae - front

mae ashi geri - kicking with the front leg

mae geri keage - front snap kick - also referred to as mae keage

mae geri kekomi - front thrust kick - also referred to as mae kekomi

mae ukemi - forward fall/roll

mae -  front

maeude - forearm

maki -  roll up, wrap

makiwara -  rolled straw; striking post

manabu - learning by imitating

manako - eyes

manji uke - a double block where one arm executes gedan barai to one side, while the other arm executes jodan uchi uke (or jodan soto yoko te)

manji -  swastika; swirling, vortex

mata - groin/inside of thigh

matsukaze - left carotid artery

matte -  stop, wait

mawashi geri - roundhouse kick

mawashi hiji ate - circular elbow strike - also referred to as mawashi empi uchi

mawashi tsuki - roundhouse punch

mawashi -  rotating, turning; circular

mawate -  turn,

mawatte - a command given by the instructor for students to turn around

me - eyes (okinawan)

men -  face

mienai -  could not see

migi -  right

mikazuki - angle of the jaw

mikazuki geri - crescent kick

mikazuki -  crescent-moon

mimi - ears

mizoochi - solar plexus

mizu nagare -  water flowing

mokouzune/sune - shin

mokuso - meditation

mokuso -  meditation

momo - thigh

morote uke - augmented block - one arm and fist support the other arm in a block

morote tsuki - u-punch - punching with both fists simultaneously - also referred to as awase tsuki

morote -  both hands, double-hand

moto dachi - a short forward stance, also referred to as han-zenkutsu dachi

moto-no-ichi -  back to starting positions

muboubi -  defenceless

mudansha - students without black-belt ranking

mugorei -  without count, no count

mukae -  meet; go ahead

muki (muke) -  facing, direction

muko - forehead (okinawan)

mumi - kidney (okinawan)

mune - chest

murasame - right carotid artery

mushin - no mind - the state of being that allows freedom and flexibility to react and adapt to a given situation

muso -  incomparable

musubi dachi - an attention stance with feet pointed slightly outward

musubi -  united

myojo - a vital point located five centimetres below the navel

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- N -

nagashi uke - sweeping block

nagashi -  flowing

nage waza - throwing/take-down techniques

nage -  throw, projection

nai wan - inner arm

naifanchi dachi - straddle stance - also referred to as naihanchi dachi and kiba dachi

nakadaka ippon ken - middle finger knuckle

nakae -  enter the fighting area

nami-gaeshi - block an attack to the groin area

naname -  diagonal

naore -  recover

neji -  twisting, spiralling

neko ashi dachi - cat stance

nidan - second level, as in second degree black belt

nidan geri - double kick

nigiri -  control

nihon nukite - two finger stabbing attack

nito kin - biceps

nodo - throat

nukete-masu -  off target attack

nukite -  spear-hand

nunchaku - an okinawan weapon consisting of two sticks connected by rope or chain

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- O -

obi - a belt

odeko / hitai / zengaku - forehead

oi tsuki - lunge punch

okuri -  sliding; sending

omote -  front; facing; exterior
apart from the common "omote" (front facing), way of performing kata, kata can also be performed (and may be required to be performed in advanced gradings), "ura" (opposite), "go" (defensive) and "go no ura" (defensive opposite). Just try to do any kata in the opposite direction and you’ll realise how confusing and difficult it is, mainly because you are trying to coordinate the movements in a different order. Sensei Kase introduced these variations explaining that performing kata, ura, go, or go no ura is closer to actual application in real fighting circumstances

onaji waza - same technique

onegai shimasu - i make a request or i ask of

osae uke - pressing block

osae -  pressing; holding, immobilizing

oshi -  pushing

osu (oss) -  word of acknowledgement

otagai -  mutual, each other

otoshi empi uchi - an elbow strike by dropping the elbow - also referred to as otoshi hiji ate

otoshi -  falling, dropping

oyayubi ippon ken - thumb knuckle

oyo waza - applications interpreted from techniques in kata

oyo -  application (of kata)

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- P -

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- Q -

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- R -

ran bu ho - an exercise similar to shadow-boxing

randori -  taking chaos, grasping freedom; freestyle practice

rei -  bow; respect

reigi - etiquette - also referred to as reishiki

reinoji dachi - a stance with feet making a l-shape

ren -  alternate, consecutive

rensei - practice tournament

renshi - person is considered an expert instructor

rokkotsu - rib

ryo -  both, two

ryoken -  both fists

ryosho -  both palms

ryosoku -  both sides

ryote morote - both hands

ryu -  school, style

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- S -

sabaki -  shifting, dodging, displacing

sagi ashi dachi - one leg stance. also referred to as gankaku dachi or tsuru ashi dachi

sagiashi -  crane-leg

sai - an okinawan weapon that is shaped like the greek letter 'psi' with the middle being much longer

sakotsu - collar bone, clavicle

sanbon kumite - three step sparring

sanbon shobu - three point match. used in tournaments

sanchin dachi - hour-glass stance

sankaku -  triangle

santo kin - triceps

sasae-ashi -  supporting leg

sashi -  stealthy

sashite - raising of the hand either to strike, grab, or block

sebone - backbone, spine

sechusen (vertical centreline of the body)

seika tanden - a vital point used for resuscitation, located about 10 cm below the navel. considered to the source for ki generation and concentration

seiken - forefist

seiritsu -  line up

seiryuto - a hand technique delivered with the base of the shuto (knife hand)

seiso - testicle

seiza - a proper sitting position - sitting on one's knees

sekitsui - spine

sempai -  senior student

sen no sen - attacking at the exact moment when the opponent attacks

sen sen no sen - attacking before the opponent attacks. pre-emptive attack

sen -  before; advance; reaction; initiative

senaka - back, spine

sen-no-sen -  seize the initiative earlier

sensei - teacher

sen sen no sen -  seize the initiative (before the actual attack)

senshu -  competitor

sentei -  selection, grouping

seoi kata - shoulder

shakumyaku - a vital point on the wrist

shiai -  match, contest

shidoin - assistant instructor

shihan -  teacher; master teacher

shihon -  four directions, four points, etc.

shikkaku -  disqualification (from entire tournament)

shiko dachi - square stance

shime (jime) -  strangulation, choking

shime waza - choking/strangling techniques

shin, shinzo - heart

shintai - body

shiri - buttocks

shiro -  white

shita - tongue

shita ago - a vital point on the lower jaw

shitei -  designation; mandatory

shitsu - bend of the knee

shizen -  natural

shizentai - natural position - the body remains relaxed but alert

sho - palm of hand

shobu -  contest, match

shodan -  first level black belt

shofu - side of neck

shomen - front or top of head. also the designated front of a dojo

shoto -  pine waves, whispering pines; Gichin Funakoshi's pen-name

shugo -  meeting

shuko - cutting edge of hand /a vital point located on the back of the hand, at the base of the thumb

shuto te (same as shuto uke) - used to describe one of the techniques in bogyo roku kyodo

shuto uke - knife-hand block

shuto -  sword-hand, knife-hand

sobi - base of calf

sochin dachi - immovable stance - also referred to as fudo dachi

sode -  sleeve

soete -  added hand

sokumen -  side

sokuto - edge of foot - this term is often used to refer to the side thrust kick

soto (ude) uke - outside (forearm) block

soto yoko te (same as uchi ude uke) - used to describe one of the techniques in bogyo roku kyodo

soto -  outside, exterior

suigetsu (chudan) - solar-plexis /the pit of the stomach

suihei -  horizontal

sukui te (same as sukui uke) - this name was used before the advent of sport karate. used to describe one of the techniques in bogyo roku kyodo

sukui uke - scooping block

sun dome -  to stop a technique just before making contact

suri (yori) -  sliding, gliding

sutemi -  abandon body; sacrifice throw

suwari waza - techniques from a sitting position

suwari -  kneeling

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- T -

tachi (dachi) -  stance, standing

tai (dai) -  big; great; body

tai sabaki - body movement/shifting

taikaky - build or physique

tai-sabaki -  body shifting, dodging

taki - spleen (okinawan)

tameshiwari -  breaking test; breaking bricks, wood, etc.

tanden - navel/the lower abdomen, centre of gravity and "ki"

taoshi (daoshi) -  topple, make fall

tatami -  training mats; straw mats

tate empi - upward elbow strike

tate tsuki - vertical punch/a fist punch with the palm along a vertical plane

tate -  vertical; stand; build

te - hand

te-hodoki -  hand freeing

teiji dachi - a stance with the feet in a t-shape

teisho - heel of hand

teisho uchi - palm heel strike

teisho uke - palm heel block

teisho -  palm-heel

teisoku, ashiura - sole of the foot

tekken - fist

tekubi - wrist

tenbin -  balance

tenkan -  divert, turning, circular movement

tenohira - palm

tento - a vital point at the top of the skull

tettsui uchi - hammer strike - also called kentsui

tettsui -  iron hammer, hammer-fist

tobi (tobikomi) -  leap, jump, fly

tobi geri - jump kick

tokui -  favorite; best, one's specialty

to-ma -  long distance

tomoe - stomach

tonfa - a farm tool developed into a weapon by the okinawans

tori (dori) -  hold, grab; take; attacker, the one applying the technique to the uke

torimasen -  did not take; competitor did not receive a point, no point

traditional (Ko-ryū (old style)) karate - a purposeful, highly effective system that covers all aspects of fighting, with a focus on:

tsuchifamuzo - arch of the foot

tsugi -  follow; shuffle (shuffle step)

tsukami (zukami) -  grasp, grip, grab

tsukami waza - a blocking technique by seizing the opponent's weapon, arm, or leg

tsuki - a punch or thrust (esp. an attack to the midsection)

tsuki (zuki) -  punch; thrust

tsuma, ashi yubi - toes

tsumasaki - point of toes

tsuru ashi dachi - crane stance, also referred to as gankaku dachi and sagi ashi dachi

tsuzukete -  continue, keep going; resume fighting

tuite - grappling skills

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- U -

ubi / shusai - finger

uchi (ude) uke - inside (forearm) block

uchi deshi - a live-in student/disciple

uchi mawashi geri - inside roundhouse kick

uchi yoko te (same as soto ude uke) - used to describe one of the techniques in bogyo roku kyodo

uchi -  inside, interior; strike, hit

uchikomi -  driving, pounding in; repeated practice without completion

ude - arm

ude kubi - wrist

udi - arm (okinawan)

uke - block

ukemi waza - break-fall techniques

ukemi -  break-falling, body receive

ukete masu - blocked attack

uke tsuki (tsuki uke) -  block-punch

uki ashi dachi - a stance similar to the cat-stance, performed in the kata hangetsu

uko - the nerve that runs along the side of the neck

unsoku -  footwork, movements of feet

ura tsuki - an upper cut punch used at close range

ura - opposite, reverse, inverted, back
apart from the common "omote" (front facing), way of performing kata, kata can also be performed (and may be required to be performed in advanced gradings), "ura" (opposite), "go" (defensive) and "go no ura" (defensive opposite). Just try to do any kata in the opposite direction and you’ll realise how confusing and difficult it is, mainly because you are trying to coordinate the movements in a different order. Sensei Kase introduced these variations explaining that performing kata, ura, go, or go no ura is closer to actual application in real fighting circumstances

uraken - back fist/back knuckle

ushiro empi uchi - striking to the rear with the elbow

ushiro geri - back kick

ushiro -  back, behind, rear

uto - a pressure point at the base of the nose, between the eyes

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- V

vulnerable (weak) points of the body - it is important to know where the weak areas of the human body are if the karateka is to be more effective in a real situation:

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- W -

wan - arm

washide -  eagle-hand

wata - belly, abdomen (okinawan)

waza -  technique, skill

waza-ari -  half point; technique occurred

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- X -

- No entries -

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- Y -

yakusoku kumite -  announcement sparring

yama tsuki - a wide u-shaped dual punch

yame - stop, finish

yasume -  relax, rest

yobo, men, kao - face

yoi - ready

yoko geri keage - side snap kick also referred to as yoko keage

yoko geri kekomi - side thrust kick also referred to as yoko kekomi

yoko mawashi empi uchi - striking with the elbow to the side

yoko tobi geri - flying side kick

yoko - side, sideways, lateral

yori (suri) -  sliding, gliding

yowai - weak; fragile

yubi - finger

yubinofushi - knuckle

yubisaki - fingertip

yudansha - black belt holder (any rank)

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- Z -

za - sit

zanshin - remaining mind/heart/following through in a technique/preserving awareness to respond to additional attacks

za rei - the traditional japanese bow from the kneeling position

zen - achieving enlightenment by seeing one's original mind (or original nature) directly; without the intervention of the intellect

zenkutsu dachi - forward stance

zenkutsu - front bend

zenshin - forward

zenshin - whole body

zenwan, kote, ude - forearm

zori - japanese slippers

zukami (tsukami) - grasp, grip, grab

zuki (tsuki) - punch; thrust

zuno - head or brains

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