Rainhill Kase Ha Shotokan Karate Academy
Gojushiho Sho - "Fifty Four Steps"
Gojushiho Sho introduces new techniques including:
- shuto uchi/shuto uke (sword hand strikes and blocks),
- chuda shuto osae/shuto gedan barai (middle level pressing sword hand block and a lower level sword hand strike),
- three chudan shihon nukite tate tsuki (middle level four finger vertical strike),
- chudan ryo sho bo uke (middle level double handed stick block) just to name a few.
There are two kiai points in Gojushiho Sho:
- On the chudan oi tsuki (middle level lunge punch) at the top of the embusen (line of attack) three quarters of the way through the kata.
- On the second to last movement of the kata which is a chudan ryo te seiryuto uchi (middle level double handed ox jaw strike).
Tempo (speed)
The tempo of the kata demonstrated below has not been changed for filming. Everyone has their own tempo, however, it should remain similar for all forms/variations.
Demonstration of Kata
Demonstration of Kata Variations
Apart from the common "Omote" (front facing), way of performing kata (as shown above), kata can also be performed, "Ura" (opposite), "Go" (defensive) and "Go no Ura" (defensive opposite). Students will be required to be perform kata variations in advanced gradings.
Sensei Kase introduced these variations explaining that performing kata ura, go, or go no ura is closer to actual application in real fighting circumstances.
"The object of any karate lesson must always be, to develop the character of the individual, not to try and re-create the teacher".
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