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Rainhill Kase Ha Shotokan Karate Academy

Kodomo Tokyu

A simplified grading system is used to encourage younger children to progress with their training in karate. To differentiate it from kyu grades these are referred to as kodomo tokyu or children's grades, and a distinctive belt system is use to signify progress through these grades. The grading rules are as follows:

The following are the kodomo tokyu examination requirements and standards of the ESA and are subject to change at anytime. All students should familiarize themselves with the various requirements for each belt level prior to turning in their grading application.

If you are unfamiliar with any of the kihon, kata, or kumite required for your next belt level, you should not attempt to grade, but instead you should continue to train until you feel comfortable with all of the requirements. If in doubt speak with your sensei.


  1. Junior or Cadet Black Belt grades may be awarded to student under the age of 16 years using the association Cadet Grading Syllabus.
  2. These grades may be taken within their own club under a National Grading Examiner.
  3. The highest level of Cadet Black Belt permitted is 2nd degree.
  4. The waiting time between 1st Kodomo and 1st Cadet Black Belt is 6 months based on a minimum of 2 hours training per week.
  5. The recognised Insignia for all Cadet Black Belt is a Black Belt with a thin red stripe running the length of the belt.
  6. At 16 years a Cadet Black Belt may apply through their instructor for upgrading to senior 1st Dan by completing the appropriate form. This request will be considered by the Technical Committee using established criteria and will either be ratified or referred for physical re-assessment.
  7. The upgrade to Shodan will be registered with the Karate England and time scale for progress to 2nd Dan and above start from this registration in accordance with Karate England Rules.

"You can not learn what you do not practice".

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9th Kodomo (Orange Belt)


  1. Jodan oi tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  2. Chudan oi tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  3. Jodan age uke x3 forward / backwards.
  4. Chudan soto uke x3 forward / backwards.
  5. Jodan mae geri x3 mawatte & rpt.
  6. Chudan mae geri x3 mawatte & rpt.



"Good times and good friends are both irreplaceable".

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8th Kodomo (Red Belt)


  1. Jodan oi tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  2. Chudan oi tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  3. Jodan age uke x3 forward / backwards.
  4. Chudan soto uke x3 forward / backwards.
  5. Chudan uchi uke x3 forward / backwards.
  6. Chudan shuto uke x3 forward / backwards.
  7. Jodan mae geri x3 mawatte & rpt.
  8. Chudan mae geri x3 mawatte & rpt.
  9. Yoko geri Keage x3 mawatte & rpt.



"The answer to any question can always be found, the hard part is finding the answer you wanted".

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7th Kodomo (Yellow Belt)


  1. Sanbon tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, gedan barai x3.
  3. Soto uke. gyaku tsuki, gedan barai x3.
  4. Uchi uke, gyaku tsuki, gedan barai x3.
  5. Chudan shuto uke x3 forward / backwards.
  6. Jodan mae geri x3 mawatte & rpt.
  7. Chudan mae geri x3 mawatte & rpt.
  8. Yoko geri Keage x3 mawatte & rpt.



"Those we follow today, were themselves once followers".

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6th Kodomo (Green Belt)


  1. Sanbon tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, x3 forward/backwards (no gedan barai).
  3. Soto uke, Empi uchi x3 forward/backwards.
  4. Uchi uke, Kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki x3 forward/backwards.
  5. Shuto uke, Nukite x3 forward / backwards.
  6. Mae ren geri (changing legs) x3 mawatte & rpt.
  7. Yoko geri Keage x3 mawatte & rpt.
  8. Yoko geri kekomi x3 mawatte & rpt.


Hold the gyaku tsuki, Empi or Nukite at the end of each set and move directly.



  1. Left side then right side start.
  2. Examiner to give first start command only.


"Friends are the family we choose for ourselves".

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5th Kodomo (Blue Belt)


  1. Sanbon tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, x3forward / backwards.
  3. Soto uke, Empi uchi x3forward / backwards.
  4. Uchi uke, Kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki.
  5. Shuto uke, front leg mae geri, nukite forward / backwards.
  6. Mae Ren geri (changing legs) x3 mawatte & rpt.
  7. Mawashi geri chudan x3 mawatte jodan.
  8. Yoko geri Keage x3 mawatte & rpt.
  9. Yoko geri kekomi x3 mawatte & rpt.



Left side then right side.


"If you carry an unnecessary burden, put it down, your journey through life will be much easier without it".

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4th Kodomo (Purple Belt)


  1. Sanbon tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, x3 forward / backwards.
  3. Soto uke, Empi uchi, Uraken, gyaku tsuki x3forward / backwards.
  4. Uchi uke, Kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki.
  5. Shuto uke, front leg mae geri, Nukite forward / backwards.
  6. Mae ren geri (changing legs) X3 mawatte & rpt.
  7. Mawashi geri chudan x3 mawatte x3 jodan.
  8. Yoko geri Keage X3 mawatte & rpt.
  9. Yoko geri kekomi X3 mawatte & rpt.



  1. Left side then right side start.
  2. Examiner to give first start command only.


"Doing what feels natural to you is the difference between thinking and reacting".

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3rd Kodomo (Brown Belt)


  1. Sanbon tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, x3 forward / backwards.
  3. Soto uke, Empi uchi Uraken, gyaku tsuki x3 forward / backwards.
  4. Uchi uke, Kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki x3 forward / backwards.
  5. Shuto uke, front leg mae geri, nukite forward / backwards.
  6. Mae ren geri (changing legs) x3 mawatte & rpt.
  7. Mawashi geri chudan x3 mawatte x3 jodan.
  8. Yoko geri Keage x3 mawatte & rpt.
  9. Yoko geri kekomi x3 mawatte & rpt.
  10. Ushiro geri x3 mawatte & rpt.



Left side then right side.


"Everybody wants a black belt, but so few people know what it really is".

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2nd Kodomo (Brown & White Belt)


  1. Kizame tsuki, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki x 3 mawatte & rpt.
  2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, x3 forward / backwards.
  3. Soto uke, Empi uchi Uraken, gyaku tsuki x3 forward / backwards.
  4. Uchi uke, Kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki.
  5. Shuto uke, front leg mae geri, Nukite x3 forward / backwards.
  6. Mae geri, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  7. Yoko geri, Uraken, gyaku tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  8. Mawashi geri, gyaku tsuki Uraken, x3 mawatte & rpt.
  9. Ushiro geri, (Uraken, gyaku tsuki remove) x3 mawatte & rpt.


Hold the gyaku tsuki at the end of each set and move directly.



  1. Left side then right side start.
  2. Examiner to give first start command only.


"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants"

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1st Kodomo (Brown & Red Belt)


  1. Kizame tsuki, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, x3 forward / backwards.
  3. Soto uke, Empi uchi Uraken, gyaku tsuki x3 forward / backwards.
  4. Uchi uke, Kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki.
  5. Shuto uke, front leg mae geri, Nukite x3 forward / backwards.
  6. Mae geri, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  7. Yoko geri, Uraken, gyaku tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  8. Mawashi geri, gyaku tsuki Uraken, x3 mawatte & rpt.
  9. Ushiro geri, Uraken, gyaku tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.


Hold the gyaku tsuki at the end of each set and move directly.



  1. Left side then right side start.
  2. Examiner to give first start command only.


"Your body is like Iron - the harder you beat it the harder it becomes".

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Cadet Black & Red First Level


  1. Kizame tsuki, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, x3 forward / backwards.
  3. Soto uke, empi uchi Uraken, gyaku tsuki x3 forward / backwards.
  4. Uchi uke, Kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki.
  5. Shuto uke, front leg mae geri, Nukite x3 forward / backwards.
  6. Mae geri, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  7. Yoko geri, Uraken, gyaku tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.
  8. Mawashi geri, gyaku tsuki Uraken, x3 mawatte & rpt.
  9. Ushiro geri, Uraken, gyaku tsuki x3 mawatte & rpt.


Hold the gyaku tsuki at the end of each set and move directly.



"Little things make a big difference".

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Cadet Black & Red Second Level


  1. Forward Kizame tsuki, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki back age uke gyaku tsuki, Uraken forward mae geri, jun tsuki, gyaku tsuki.
  2. Forward Kizame tsuki, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki back soto uke, Yoko Enpi, Otoshi Uraken, gyaku tsuki forward Yoko Kekome geri, Uraken, gyaku tsuki (focus Otoshi Uraken then change to gyaku tsuki).
  3. Forward Kizame tsuki, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki back uchi uke, Kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki forward mawashi geri, gyaku tsuki, Uraken uchi (after Uraken return to Jiyu Kamae before starting Kizame tsuki).
  4. Forward Kizame tsuki, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki back gedan barai same hand Uraken, gyaku tsuki forward Ushiro geri, Uraken, gyaku tsuki (hold the gyaku tsuki at the end of each set and move directly into Kizame tsuki).
  5. Forward Kizame tsuki, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki Back shuto uke, mae Ashi mae geri, Nukite (each to be performed from Zenkutsu Dachi x 5, mawatte turn and change to next set).
  6. Mae geri / Yoko Kekome same leg kicking.
  7. Mae geri / mawashi geri same leg kicking (to be performed from Kiba Dachi x 5 mawatte turn and change to next set).
  8. Yoko Keage / Yoko Kekome same leg kicking.


  1. Each to be done twice (once from left side & once from right side) then turn mawatte.
  2. 1 & 2 to be done together turning after each double set and then begin the next.
  3. No Yori Ashi on Kizame tsuki or gyaku tsuki. With Kizame tsuki transfer the weight forward onto front leg in preparation for stepping oi tsuki.
  4. Hold the gyaku tsuki at the end of each set and move directly into Kizame tsuki.
  5. 3-4 to be done together turning after each double set and then begin the next.
  6. 5 is performed twice with left leg forward then mawatte and twice with right leg forward.



"A kata without the body, mind, and spirit attempting to work in perfect harmony, is an empty, and hollow thing indeed".

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