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Rainhill Kase Ha Shotokan Karate Academy

Sensei Steve Cattle 6th Dan

Steve like so many people of his generation, was first introduced to martial arts through Judo. Steve was exceptional reaching 2nd Dan, becoming European Lightweight Champion and competing in the World Student Games in Tokyo, however, by that time he had already started karate training which was to become his love and his life.

By 1970 he had become a member of the Karate Union of Great Britain (KUGB) National Team, a member of the Technical Committee, a Grading Examiner and professional karate teacher (I use the word “teacher” because one of his greatest qualities was his ability to teach rather than instruct).

Steve was a formidable competitor famed for his fighting spirit and tactical and technical ability. He was the winner of the KUGB National Championships twice. He was also part of the British Squad that defeated the Japanese in the World championships in Tokyo something that had never been achieved before.

Steve was influenced by Sensei Kase who possessed unique karate knowledge and skill. After the first meeting he trained with Sensei Kase at every opportunity, learning and developing his techniques and methods.

In 1989 when Sensei Kase founded the World Karate Do Shotokan Academy, he asked Steve as one of his senior and long standing students to follow him. Steve chose the direction of  Sensei Kase, resigned from the KUGB and founded the English Shotokan Academy taking with him a group of like minded souls, myself included.

His words to those of us who joined him in the venture were, “Sensei Kase" is planning a system of Shotokan Karate which will take us not into the 1990’s but into the next century. I intend to follow him; I simply want to get better.”

Steve's knowledge did not stop at the martial arts; he seemed to know a great deal about most things. We could be travelling to a course and someone would ask him a question, it could be about virtually anything, but he would invariably know the answer. He was a truly amazing man.

Without doubt, Steve was one of this country's finest karateka. He came from the first generation of karateka in this country and sadly the first of the greats to pass away.

He will be remembered with pride and admiration, the karate world lost a great teacher and many of us lost a dear friend.

I myself, have not just lost a teacher, he was like a second father; he guided me, advised me and helped me in any way he could.

"Your body is like Iron - the harder you beat it the harder it becomes".

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